All study abroad participants are expected to read and understand the academic policy information. Non-University of Minnesota student participants are temporarily admitted as non-degree seeking students and are also covered by these policies, though a student's home university may have additional policies which also apply.
- Academic Standing
- Adding/Dropping Courses
- Artificial Intelligence (A.I.)
- Attendance/Absence Policies
- Denial of Study Abroad Coursework for UofM Credit
- First Term University of Minnesota Students
- Full-Time Status
- Global Identity Course Participation
- Grade Petitions
- Grading Options (A/F and S/N)
- Incomplete (I) Grades
- Internship Credit
- Leave of Absence
- Maximum Credit Limits
- Multiple Program Enrollment
- One Time Late Withdrawal Exception
- Online and Distance Learning / Directed Study Coursework
- Partial Credit/Early Departure
- Pre-Session Credits
- Program Start/End Date Conflicts
- Quarter Based Programs
- Registration
- Repeating Courses (Bracketing)
- Requests for Additional Transcripts for Non-UofM Students
- Transcripts
- Transfer Credit Limits
- UofM Transcripts for Non-UofM Students
- Withdrawing from Courses