The University of Minnesota is acknowledged internationally as an innovator of a successful model of study abroad Curriculum Integration in which study abroad professionals, faculty, and academic advisers collaborate to internationalize the undergraduate experience.
The "Minnesota Model" of study abroad Curriculum Integration is based on partnering with academic units to effectively meet institutional goals to internationalize the curriculum. This model spreads ownership for international education throughout the institution.
Curriculum Integration Papers & Events
Curriculum Integration: Where We've Been, Where We Are Going
Read Gayle Woodruff's article on the status of Curriculum Integration at the UofM.
Internationalizing Undergraduate Education Conference Monograph
First publication of its kind in the field of international education, based upon the 2004 UofM conference.
Case Studies of Curriculum Integration
Brenda Van Deusen's master's degree paper on the Curriculum Integration efforts at 6 different institutions.
Contact Information
Tim Dohmen, Assistant Director, Learning Abroad Integration & Outreach
Learning Abroad liaisons to University of Minnesota Colleges and Departments