Study Abroad Health & Safety
These web pages are a guide for a safe and successful study abroad experience. Read our policies, procedures, and guidelines. The University of Minnesota considers the health and safety of students on education abroad opportunities one of its top priorities. While no organization or institution can guarantee the safety of participants, the risks can be significantly reduced if program staff, students, parents, and advisers at the host and home institutions all work together. Learn more about Safety & Education Abroad.
In response to the concern for the well-being of students, the University of Minnesota has developed policies and procedures related to education abroad opportunities, which require all participating students to complete a Release and Waiver form from the General Counsel's Office. Students must also have international insurance coverage provided by the university. The University of Minnesota also requires that students maintain their US health insurance whenever enrolled, including while abroad.
Additionally, the university endorses the recommendations of both the Forum on Education Abroad's Good Practices and the NAFSA: Association of International Educators' health and safety task force findings: Responsible Study Abroad: Good Practices for Health and Safety developed by the Inter-organizational Task Force on Safety and Responsibility in Study Abroad.
The US Department of State recommends the Students Abroad website for students planning to travel abroad.