Phone & Email
Our main office line (612.626.9000) is answered Monday–Thursday 10 a.m.–3 p.m.
Email us or leave a voicemail anytime, and we will respond during regular business hours.
First Step Sessions
First Step Sessions give basic information about how to research program options, get started with academic planning, and look into finances for study abroad, including financial aid and scholarships.
These sessions are designed for UofM students. If you are a non-UofM student, please consult with your home institution for a study abroad process overview.
Attend a First Step session. We offer sessions both online and in-person in our office in 230 Heller Hall. Time will be reserved for questions at the end. View our upcoming sessions and register here:
Or, complete the online First Step anytime. It takes about 25 minutes.
Program Selection Advising
Program Selection Advisers meet one-on-one with you to help you find a program that matches your academic, career, and personal goals and interests. Program selection advisers can:
- Clarify concepts introduced at the First Step or on the web
- Compare and contrast program options
- Walk you through the study abroad process, including academic and financial planning, and the application timeline
- Identify appropriate program contacts and next steps
What you need to know
- You must complete a First Step Session before meeting with a Program Selection Adviser
- Schedule an advising appointment
- Your appointment will be more productive if you spend some time researching program options prior to meeting with an adviser
- Program Selection Advising can conducted in person, visa Zoom, or over the phone
Program Specific Advising
If you have already decided on a study abroad program, contact the LAC staff member who works with your program to schedule an appointment. Your program contact can help you with matters specific to your study abroad program, such as:
- Housing
- Course selection
- Information about program location
- Cultural adjustment
- Language
- Visas