In the event you, or someone you care about, experience relationship or sexual harassment/violence while abroad, you are strongly encouraged to seek the support of your on-site staff, faculty or affiliate. Seek safety first; then talk to the international student office or resident director of your program abroad.
The University of Minnesota prohibits sexual harassment and retaliation. In compliance with Title IX, the Learning Abroad Center will work with the University’s Title IX Coordinator on any related inquiries and complaints. Though we are mandated to report certain incidents to the Title IX Coordinator, all reports are done with the student's best interest and privacy (including under FERPA) in mind. For more information, contact the Learning Abroad Center or see information on Title IX.
Review International Centers for Survivors of Sexual Assault and Harassment, a brochure listing advocacy/help centers in many of the cities/countries with Learning Abroad Center programs abroad. Note that unlike University staff, faculty and affiliates who may have mandatory reporting requirements under Title IX, many of these resources are 100% confidential. Connect with the University of Minnesota Aurora Center for additional confidential support and information while abroad and upon your return to the University of Minnesota.