Learning Abroad Center

Maximum Credit Limits

Policy Statement

Approval to register for more than the allowed number of credits in a term must come from a student's academic advisor. Without approval from a student's academic adviser, the Learning Abroad Center cannot override term credit maximums for a student in order to register for a study abroad course or study abroad placeholder course prior to departure. When applicable, failure of a student to secure necessary credit override approval prior to departure may result in program dismissal, among other potential consequences, due to non-registration.


There is a limit to the number of credits for which a UofM student can register each term: 20 credits max per semester; 15 credits max total for May/Summer. Occasionally, a student's study abroad plans will necessitate registration for more than the maximum credits in a term. In these instances, the student should seek a registration override from their academic advisor, allowing them to register for the number of credits needed. Alternatively, the student can provide the Learning Abroad Center with an email from their advisor indicating approval, and then the LAC may register the student into the study abroad credits.

Example: A student plans to study abroad over Winter Break on a program that will award 3 credits. The student plans to take 18 credits on-campus the following Spring semester. Because Winter Break study abroad courses fall under Spring for registration purposes, the student will need a credit maximum override for Spring semester in order to register for everything needed.

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