Policy Statement
The Learning Abroad Center typically processes transcripts for resident credit programs within 4 weeks of grades being received from the program. Time between the end of the term abroad and receipt of grades in the Learning Abroad Center varies widely by program.
The UofM Office of Admissions processes transcripts for transfer credit programs.
A student may request that the posting of their grades onto the UofM transcript be expedited if there is a qualifying, academic or financial reason.
The Learning Abroad Center makes every effort to expedite the posting of grades to the UofM transcript for circumstances such as graduation clearance, insurance eligibility, or financial aid or scholarship disbursement. A rush request is typically processed within one week of notifying the Learning Abroad Center, assuming the Learning Abroad Center has received the grades from onsite.
The Office of Admissions processes transfer credit for students participating on nonaffiliated transfer credit exchange programs. Once the transcript is received by the Office of Admissions, typical processing time is 1 to 2 weeks. Students may contact the Office of Admissions directly to determine if their transcript has been received and when it will be processed.
Students should speak with their college advising offices regarding appropriate placement on their Dean’s List. UofM students who participate on programs that award transfer credit are ineligible for the Dean's list for their term abroad.