Returning Home
Studying abroad can be an amazing and often life-changing experience. When you return home, you may be looking for ways to build upon your international education, further your career goals, or share your experiences abroad. Studying abroad can be an amazing and often life-changing experience. When you return home, you may be looking for ways to build upon your international education, further your career goals, or share your experiences abroad.
Learn more about how you can best use your international experience:
Check to see if your study abroad coursework has been posted to your UofM transcript. It can take 12 weeks or more from the time your program ends for your grades to post, so be patient. If it has been more than 12 weeks since you returned and your credits still have not posted, contact the LAC adviser for your program.
Study abroad courses that were evaluated and approved for liberal education requirements through the U Credit Abroad database should be reflected on your APAS report. If they are not, contact the Learning Abroad Center. If you did not have your courses evaluated before participating in your study abroad program, you can submit them through the U Credit Abroad database after you return.
Make an appointment with your academic adviser(s) to review courses taken abroad and obtain final approval to use them to fulfill major/minor requirements.
Career Relevance
Your time abroad can significantly impact your future career plans and employability. Taking some time to utilize the Career Relevance resources can help you fulling take advantage of what you learned abroad. It is not only important to think about what you did, but also what you learned and how you can apply that knowledge to your future. A potential employer or graduate school committee member may not have studied abroad or understand the advantage that gives you. It's up to you to effectively communicate the skills you gained abroad and how they are relevant.