Learning Abroad Center

Global Identity Course Information


  • This course is available to students participating on study abroad programs of 6 weeks or more.
  • You will have the option to request registration for this course by completing the Global Identity Course Form on your LAC portal.
  • If you've indicated that you want to take Global Identity, the LAC will register you for the FOST course in addition to your FOST study abroad placeholder credits for your program.
  • You are not able to take this course once you arrive onsite for your program because this course requires a pre-departure assignment. You must request to be registered for the course prior to the deadline.


  • May/Summer programs: April 15
  • Fall/Academic Year programs: July 15
  • Spring programs: November 15


  • Grading is on an A–F basis. You must complete all assignments in order to receive a passing grade for the course.
  • This course is only available under the A–F grade base. If you register for it, you must select A–F as your grade base. If you select S/N, the Learning Abroad Center will change your grade base to A–F.

Liberal Education Requirements

  • This course fulfills the Global Perspectives Liberal Education Theme requirement. Even though it's a 1-credit course, it will satisfy the GP Lib Ed due to special approval and it will fulfill the GP requirement on your APAS report.


  • There is no course fee for UofM and Non-UofM students participating on a Learning Abroad Center program or joint Carlson Global Institute programs (Business in Barcelona and Business in Dublin).
  • For students participating on an affiliate (IFSA, ISEP, IES, CET, SFS, SIT, etc.), Carlson Global Institute business semester exchange or study center program, or college/department exchange program, the course fee is $200 if you register by the deadline. Late registration will be considered on a case by case basis with a course fee of $582.65 (one-credit undergraduate tuition).
  • Non-resident students pay the same rate as residents.
  • If you are on an affiliate, Carlson Global Institute business exchange, or college/department exchange program and drop the course within one week of your program start date, you will be issued a full refund. If you drop more than one week after your program start date, you will not receive a refund.

Course Success

  • All course assignments build upon one another—use what you learned from previous assignments to complete subsequent assignments.
  • You get out of the course what you put into it—the more thoughtful you are about the assignments, the more you are able to use what you have written later in your portfolio. Challenge yourself by digging more deeply into your responses. Coursework includes short readings from various texts (posted online), reflection about your experience abroad, and five journal/reflection assignments submitted via email. The first assignment is due within the week prior to your departure.

Dropping the course

  • To drop the course, you must submit the Global Identity Course Drop Form, located on the Optional Checklist of your application on the LAC Portal. 
  • The timeline for drop periods is the same for summer term and semester programs. It is calculated based on your program start date, not the UMN drop/add calendar for on campus courses. You will have two weeks (14 calendar days) from your official program start date to request that the Global Identity course be dropped to avoid a "W" on your University of Minnesota transcript. 
    • If you submit your drop request between weeks 3 and 10 of your summer or semester program, the course will appear as a "W" on your transcript.
    • If you submit your drop request after week 10 of your semester program (or after 26 calendar days from the program start date of your summer program), you will not be allowed to withdraw, and you will receive the grade that you have earned for the course (A-F).

Contact Clara Arent for questions about the course or view the Course FAQ page.