Learning Abroad Center

Learning Abroad Center College/Departmental Scholarships for UofM Students

Carlson Global Institute (CGI) Scholarships

Carlson undergraduate students participating in Carlson Global Institute (CGI) or the University of Minnesota Learning Abroad Center (LAC) programs are eligible to apply for a need-based scholarship and CGI Undergraduate Fellowship (merit-based scholarship). Carlson students may apply for both CGI scholarships

China Center

The China Center provides financial support to University of Minnesota students who will study abroad or participate in an educational program in the Greater China area. Students from all colleges and campuses are eligible to apply. Students may apply for more than one China Center scholarship.

College of Biological Sciences (CBS) Scholarships

CBS Study Abroad Scholarship 

The purpose of the CBS Study Abroad Scholarship is to encourage more CBS students to study science and/or conduct research abroad. Eligibility for this scholarship includes:

  • A minimum cumulative 3.0 GPA
  • Currently pursuing a bachelor's degree full-time in the College of Biological Sciences
  • Taking at least one science, research, or health-related course while abroad

Preference will be given to students who are studying abroad for a semester or more, as well as those taking life science courses and/or conducting research abroad.

Award amounts for semester or academic year programs are up to $3,000, and awards for summer, winter break, and spring break programs are up to $1500. 

For more information, and to apply, visit the College of Biological Sciences CBS Study Abroad Scholarship page

Murray & Pearl Rosenberg Award

The purpose of the Murray & Pearl Rosenberg Award is to provide assistance with travel expenses for CBS undergraduate students who are conducting research or providing humanitarian service abroad. Preference is given to students going to non-English speaking countries, especially developing countries, and working on project or research that have a direct impact on human health. Eligibility for this scholarship includes:

  • A minimum cumulative 2.5 GPA
  • Currently pursing a bachelors degree full-time in the College of Biological Sciences

Awards are typically $800–$1,200 and are issued upon completion of the experience. Awards are given for travel expenses only, related to airfare, bus, taxi etc. Previous Rosenberg awardees are ineligible to apply. You can find additional details, including application deadlines and the application, on the College of Biological Sciences Murray & Pearl Rosenberg Memorial Award page.

Frank & Adrienne Barnwell Scholarship

The purpose of the Frank & Adrienne Barnwell Scholarship for Marine/Tropical Field Station Courses is to provide financial support to students enrolled at the University of Minnesota according to the award guidelines and criteria listed below.

Eligibility for this scholarship includes:

  • A minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0
  • Attending the University of Minnesota Twin Cities
  • Currently pursuing a bachelor's degree full-time in the College of Biological Sciences
  • Participating in a marine or tropical course at an established research field station (see scholarship application for specific eligible programs)
Preference will be given to students who are studying abroad for a semester or more. Award amounts for this scholarship are up to $5,000. For more information, and to apply, visit the application page for the scholarship.

College of Continuing and Professional Studies (CCAPS) Scholarships

College of Continuing and Professional Studies (CCAPS) students participating in a study abroad programs are strongly encouraged to apply for CCAPS scholarships. CCAPS Students planning on studying abroad just need to submit a CCAPS Collegiate scholarships application for the upcoming term to be considered for funding.

College of Design (CDes) Undergraduate Experience Abroad Scholarship for Design, Housing, & Apparel (DHA) Majors

College of Design experience abroad scholarships support undergraduates currently enrolled in apparel design, graphic design, interior design, product design, and retail merchandising pursuing international study and/or global internship experiences as part of their degree program. Visit Undergraduate Scholarships for more information.  The DHA Experience Abroad Scholarship is available to students in one of the following majors; Apparel Design, Graphic Design, Housing Studies, Interior Design, Product Design, or Retail Merchandising. Visit Undergraduate Scholarships for more information.

College of Education & Human Development (CEHD) Study Abroad Scholarships

CEHD offers a general study abroad scholarship as well as a Global Engagement and Global Discovery scholarship for low-income and first-generation students. The scholarships are open to degree-seeking CEHD undergraduate students participating in a study abroad program approved by the University of Minnesota. For more information about the scholarships, and to apply, visit CEHD Undergraduate Study Abroad Scholarships.

College of Food, Agriculture, & Natural Resource Sciences (CFANS) Study Abroad Grants

CFANS offers a number of funding opportunities to support study abroad. Visit CFANS Grants and Scholarship for more information.

College of Liberal Arts

College of Liberal Arts Undergraduate Education (CLA UGE) Learning Abroad Scholarship

The CLA Office of Undergraduate Education (UGE) offers learning abroad scholarships for fall, spring, and summer terms. Scholarship amounts range from $500-$6000.

College of Liberal Arts (CLA) Internship Scholarship

The CLA undergraduate internship scholarship program is designed to provide financial assistance to students participating in unpaid internships. Three times per year the College of Liberal Arts offers internship scholarships of $2,000–$5,000 to already-admitted, degree-seeking undergraduate students in CLA of sophomore standing or above. For more information about the scholarship, and to apply, see CLA Career & Internship Services.

Department of Spanish & Portuguese Studies Scholarship

The Department of Spanish & Portuguese Studies offers a study abroad scholarship for current undergraduate majors pursuing either Spanish Studies or Spanish-Portuguese Studies. Students must study abroad for at least one semester. One scholarship of $1,000–$2,000 will be awarded. Applications are typically due at the end of April each year. 

Department of French & Italian

The French & Italian Department offers scholarships for students who are looking to study abroad. Applications for these scholarships open early in spring semester. Recipients are selected by department faculty members.

Department of German, Nordic, Slavic & Dutch

The Department of German, Nordic, Slavic & Dutch offers a variety of scholarships for students who are looking to study abroad. Recipients are selected by department faculty members.

Department of Political Science - Doug and Ann Englund Scholarship

The purpose of the Doug and Ann Englund Scholarship is to support students participating in a study abroad program or learning experience. This scholarship is for political science majors only. The online scholarship application is typically open early in the spring semester and scholarships are awarded for the upcoming academic year. This is a planning scholarship and students are encouraged to apply before study abroad participation.

Department of Psychology

The Psychology Department offers the Mortensen Study Abroad scholarship for a psychology major studying abroad for a summer, semester, or academic year. Recipients are selected by department faculty members.

Puffer Scholarship for Art History Travel Abroad

The Patricia and Kenneth Puffer Scholarship provides funds to undergraduate Art History majors of high academic standing, in order to encourage and support their intellectual, cultural, and personal growth through foreign travel. The annual deadline is in April. Recipients may apply their scholarship award to any UofM approved Learning Abroad program, to be completed within fifteen months of notification of award (i.e. before Sept 1). 

College of Science & Engineering (CSE) Study Abroad Scholarships

CSE Abroad scholarships are open to degree-seeking CSE undergraduate students participating in a study abroad program approved by the University of Minnesota. For more information about the scholarships and how to apply, visit CSE Abroad undergraduate study abroad scholarships.

Institute for Global Studies FLAS Fellowship

The Institute for Global Studies offers undergraduate, graduate, and professional degree students the Foreign Language and Area Studies (FLAS) Fellowships in African, Asian, and International Studies, in less commonly taught languages. Applicants must be US citizens or permanent residents and fully matriculated students at the time that the award starts. For more information and application instructions visit the Institute for Global Studies FLAS Fellowship.

Leadership Minor Study Abroad Scholarship

University of Minnesota Leadership Minor students participating in eligible programs can apply for this scholarship. For more information contact the Leadership Minor office.