Explore all your study abroad options
Complete a study abroad First-Step Session to learn about study abroad options available to University of Minnesota students. Schedule an appointment with an LAC Advisor.
Narrow Down Your Program Search
Consider these pointers about choosing a program. Think about your personal, professional, and academic goals. Which learning abroad programs match your goals?
Explore Reasonable Accommodations
After identifying one or more programs of specific interest, meet with your Disability Resource Center Access Consultant to complete the Student Accommodation Request Form. Your completed Student Accommodation Request Form should be returned to the LAC and the Program Team will investigate site-specific accommodation possibilities.
Decide on a Study Abroad Program
Based on the information you receive from the Learning Abroad Center regarding accommodation possibilities for a particular program, apply to your selected program. For most programs, applications are reviewed on a rolling admissions basis.
Apply for Scholarships and Travel Grants
Learning Abroad Center Scholarships are available for May term, summer, semester and year long programs.
Confirm Your Program Accommodations
Confirm with the Program Advisor in the Learning Abroad Center the accommodations that will be provided overseas. Consult with your Disability Resource Center Specialist and the Learning Abroad Center Program Adviser about any questions you may have regarding these accommodations and to identify the overseas site contact who will be informed of your on-site reasonable accommodations.
Prepare for Departure
Continue with pre-departure planning. Attend a program specific orientation session and complete required Learning Abroad Center acceptance materials. Read Student Experiences of students with disabilities who have studied abroad.
To ensure accommodations are in place before departure, the Learning Abroad Center should receive your completed Student Accommodation Request Form at least 8 weeks before departure.