Students of Color Abroad
The University of Minnesota has made a concerted and intentional effort to increase student of color participation in study, work, intern, and volunteer abroad opportunities. As part of a greater initiative to provide all students equal access to the benefits of an internationalized degree, the Learning Abroad Center partners with departments and colleges across all five campuses to provide support to students of color before, during, and after their learning abroad experience.
Study Abroad Statistics for Underrepresented Students
An increasing number of students of color are incorporating study abroad into their degree programs. The University of Minnesota's enrollment data reports include data on the participation rates of students of color in education abroad.
The Open Doors report includes national data on study abroad participation among students of color. Search under Data Tables for information on US students studying abroad.
University of Minnesota Research & Publications
The Multicultural Study Abroad Group (MSAG) website includes a number of resources including research, publications, activities and presentations by the Multicultural Study Abroad Group (MSAG) membership.
Doan, T. (2002). Asian American Students: Study Abroad Participation, Perspectives and Experiences. University of Minnesota. Unpublished Master's Thesis.
Tsantir, S. R. & Titus, B.J (2006). Heritage-Seeking and Study Abroad: A Case Study. IIE Networker, Fall 2006, p. 27-29.
Other Research & Publications
Access International Education provides resources to researchers interested underrepresentation in international education.
Research on Underrepresentation in Education Abroad: An Annotated Bibliography by David Comp is the most comprehensive bibliography of research on underrepresentation in study abroad. Comp has also compiled a bibliography on heritage seeking in study abroad.
The MSAG Bibliography includes academic research, journal articles and other publications for students and scholars interested in supporting the participation of students of color in education abroad.
The Learning Abroad Center also provides a list of resources for students of color as well as student experiences and articles.