Professional Employment Inquiries
Education abroad professionals interested in working in the Learning Abroad Center should visit the University's Human Resources web page for additional employment updates.
Student Employment Inquiries
Open positions can be viewed on the University's Human Resources web page.
Graduate Student Volunteer Opportunities
The Learning Abroad Center periodically offers volunteer opportunities for graduate students interested in the field of international education.
Past opportunities have involved:
- Compiling and analyzing data
- Researching learning abroad programs
- Conducting literature reviews
As opportunities become available, they will be posted to this website.
Currently, there are no opportunities available.
Professional Organizations
Association for International Educators (NAFSA)
The Association for International Educators is a professional association dedicated to international education.
NAFSA Education Abroad Network is a listserv for education abroad professionals
MSAP Education Abroad Professionals of Minnesota
MSAP comprises of study abroad professionals from local colleges and universities. It meets on a monthly basis to discuss current international education issues and share ideas and expertise. MSAP meetings offer networking opportunities for professionals of or newcomers to the field. Subscribe to the MSAP listserv that announces meetings times and locations.
The Learning Abroad Center assists University of Minnesota departments, colleges and students with education abroad research involving students on Learning Abroad Center programs. Given the large volume of interest among University of Minnesota researchers, the Learning Abroad Center only works with University of Minnesota faculty and students. Research requests from outside the University of Minnesota cannot be accommodated.