Learning Abroad Center
buildings on the harbor in Stockholm

Beyond the Nobel Prize: Innovation in Sweden

LAC Program

Examine innovation across a variety of disciplines and consider how solutions to society’s problems require creativity and collaboration.

Program Details

Stockholm, Sweden
May Session
Languages Taught In
Languages Taught In

Program Eligibility

Student Type
Student Type
UofM Students
Non UofM Students
Student Year
Student Year
Graduate Students


A century ago, Sweden was among the poorest nations in Europe. Today, the country is a world leader in innovation—ranked #2 on the 2024 Global Innovation Index—despite being home to just 0.13% of the global population.

In particular, you will explore how organizational, political, cultural, and social environments can foster innovation, using the Swedish context. By immersing in Swedish culture and how its cooperation and consensus practices facilitate an innovative environment across a variety of fields—start-ups, sustainability, science—we'll better understand why and how Sweden has emerged as a global innovation leader. We'll also explore the Nobel Prizes, international awards bestowed by Swedish institutions that recognize significant academic, cultural, and scientific advances. 

In this seminar, you will learn about your level of intercultural competence and strategies to increase your competence, as well as engage in a practical experience of navigating another culture in an intentional and reflective way. Through examining innovation through the Swedish lens and across disciplines, you will emerge with an understanding about how business and government practices foster innovation with a different cultural context, and consider how solutions to problems facing society can be addressed through consensus, collaboration, and intentional planning.

Program Model

Global Seminar

Housing & Meals

Stay in shared housing with other program participants. A welcome and farewell meal as well as some additional meals are included in the program fee.


While in Sweden, your surroundings will become your classroom. Explore Swedish culture and its role facilitating innovation across disciplines—such as the arts, education, science, and technology—through readings, lectures, and visits to various sites. Learn about the Swedish context and how work environments can foster space for creative thinking and expression. Potential excursions, lectures, and points of interest may include:

  • Guest lectures on:
    • Swedish Politics
    • Swedish language & culture
    • Innovation & business in Sweden
    • The Swedish workplace
    • The Swedish approach to Covid-19
    • Sustainability in Sweden
  • Riksdagen (Parliament)
  • Swedish History Museum
  • Vasa Ship Museum
  • Södermalm walking tour
  • Skansen
  • Archipelago tour
  • SUP46 or similar
  • Nobel Museum
  • Klarna or similar
  • Ghost tour
  • Malmö excursion (2 night study tour)
  • Innovation & Science with Magnus Backlund
  • Sustainability related visits


All program participants will take the coordinated group flight to and from the program site. The cost of the group flight is included in the program fee that will be posted to your student account. Do not book your own flight; you will receive information from the Learning Abroad Center about your seat on the group flight once your participation has been confirmed.

It might be possible to deviate your return flight. Inquire with your program contact if interested.

Learning Outcomes

  • Develop independence by challenging yourself in a new environment
  • Explore a specific topic through experiential and interdisciplinary approaches
  • Function as an effective team member by utilizing your personal strengths in a group setting

This seminar also offers you opportunities to examine:

  • The role of creativity and innovation in addressing societal challenges and how organizational environments and locations foster creative thinking and problem-solving
  • The social, economic, cultural, historical, and political conditions that led to Sweden's recognition as a global leader in innovation
  • The history of the Nobel Prize, as well as particular examples of academic, cultural, and scientific advances
  • Similarities and differences between the United States' and Sweden's approaches to fostering innovative and creative practices within society
  • Your own level of intercultural competence and strategies to increase your level of intercultural competence

Faculty & Staff

This Global Seminar is led by Nikki Letawsky Shultz, Assistant Dean for Student Affairs and International Programs, College of Biological Sciences.

Program Structure

Program Level
3000-level coursework

One 3-credit course

Global Seminars are 3-week study abroad programs led by University of Minnesota faculty and staff that feature:

  • Intensive learning in a location that illuminates the topic
  • Small groups of 15–25 students
  • No prerequisites or language requirements
  • Included excursions and cultural activities
  • Instruction in English


Throughout the course you will explore many essential questions, including:

Innovation & Creativity

  • Why does Sweden have a reputation for innovation?
  • What conditions in the Swedish context contribute to innovation and innovative practices?
  • How do environments (organizational, social, political, and cultural) foster innovation?

The Nobel Prize

  • What is the Nobel Prize?
  • Who has been chosen to receive a Nobel Prize & why (and who has NOT)?
  • How might the Nobel Prize selection adapt for the future?
  • What discoveries or achievements are worthy of a Nobel Prize?

Intercultural Competence/Swedish Cultural Context

  • How do people effectively navigate different cultural contexts?
  • What does it mean to be Swedish?
  • How does one effectively navigate the Swedish context?

Receive credit for: BIOL 3905

Approved for: Global Perspectives liberal education theme

Approved for: Biology majors as a “science in context” major elective

Approved for: “other electives option” for Cellular and Organismal Physiology majors

Syllabus for Beyond the Nobel Prize: Innovation in Sweden (PDF)


The Learning Abroad Center is committed to sustainability and incorporating this into its programs. This course can be tied to Sustainable Development Goals through course content and program activities including:

SDG 7: Affordable and Clean Energy—Our carbon footprint will be considered when planning travel within Sweden. We will move around Stockholm and the region primarily through walking and public transportation. Longer journeys will be via train instead of flight to practice Scandinavian approaches to mobility.

SDG 9: Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure—The foundation of this course allows us to study ways to foster innovation through a social model and approach that prioritizes inclusive and sustainable industrialization.

SDG 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities—Using Stockholm as an inspirational example, you will explore what makes a livable city and how to make urban innovation more sustainable through the Swedish approach to urbanization. You will witness examples of cities that prioritize sustainability, social inclusivity, and overall well-being as these cities continue to support growth through our visit and walking tours of Malmo, Stockholm, and visits such as the Royal Seaport and Augustenborg Green Roof Institute.

Course Registration

If confirmed, you will be registered for your course by the Learning Abroad Center once registration opens for your term abroad. Make sure you have no holds that would prevent registration.

If you haven't already, communicate with your academic adviser(s) as applicable to review the course for your major, minor, or college requirements. University of Minnesota students should use the Academic Planning Form (PDF), located on your confirmation checklist.

Dates Details

Submit the online application and complete the assigned application checklist according to the appropriate deadline:

TermProgram DatesPriority Application DeadlineFinal Application Deadline
May Session 2025May 18–June 8, 2025 (tentative)February 1, 2025March 1, 2025

Program dates are subject to change.

If the deadline falls on a weekend, submit your materials on the following business day.

Important Note: Enrollment on this program is limited to 25 students. Admission is granted on a rolling basis and applications are reviewed in the order they are completed. Some programs may fill to capacity prior to the application deadline, therefore applying early is recommended. Additionally, applying early will allow for more time to plan ahead and prepare for the program.

Information Sessions

Join in-person or over Zoom. Register and learn more about this and other events on our events page.


Orientation Dates & Locations

Orientation will be conducted in 2 parts: an online orientation—which is mandatory—and in-person or online program-specific session with program leader(s). All meetings are required and failure to complete the online orientation will impact your ability to go abroad. The online orientation module is found on your application checklist and is due by your first orientation session.

You will be notified of the official date and time of required orientation sessions or will be contacted to send availability in order to schedule sessions. Reach out to your program leader directly for any concerns about orientation session date and times. You will receive applicable orientation materials from your program leader either in advance or after the orientation session(s).

Priority Deadline

If you apply by the priority deadline and confirm within the allotted time you will receive the published program fee. Applying after the priority deadline and/or not confirming within the allotted time means you may be subject to an airfare increase.


May 2025 Cost of Participation forthcoming

The cost of participation can vary widely due to location, cost of living, airfare, and program inclusions. The program fee generally includes tuition, group flight airfare, airport transfers, in-country program related transportation, housing, some meals, entrances to course-related excursions and site visits, program administration, and international health insurance. Generally, program fees to these locations range between $7,500–$9,000. You must also budget for passport and passport photos, some meals, textbooks, independent travel, and miscellaneous living expenses.

If you do not see a budget estimate for the term you intend to go abroad, the fee has not yet been finalized. We strive to post fees for this program at least 30 days prior to the application deadline. The Learning Abroad Center will delay the posting of some fees until enrollments, inflation and exchange rates are determined. Note the average increase in fees will be 3–10%. Program fees are based on estimates and may change depending on international economic factors.

Billing & Payments

Visit Billing for information about the billing process for application fees, deposits, and program fees.

Financial Aid & Scholarships

Visit Financial Information for information on using financial aid and scholarships for study abroad.

This program is considered part of summer enrollment for the purposes of registration and financial aid.

Cancellation Policy

Before you apply to or confirm your participation on this program, review the Learning Abroad Center's Cancellation Policy to inform yourself of the timeline and financial obligations for canceling.

May Session 2023

Global Seminar: Beyond the Nobel Prize: Innovation in Sweden

May Session 2023

Program Fee

  • UofM students pay program fee instead of on-campus tuition & fees while abroad
  • Billed through UofM account
Non-refundable deposit $400
Tuition and educational costs $5,065
International health insurance $50
Housing and/or mealsIncludes welcome/farewell meal, 2 breakfasts & 3 lunches or dinners in Mamo $980
Transportation (if required and included in program fee)Group flight $1,545
Total Program Fee $8,040
Program discount for University of Minnesota and Big Ten students, if applicable $-500
Total Program Fee with discount, if applicable $7,540

Estimated Additional Expenses

  • Financial aid-eligible but not included in program fee
Costs Typically Incurred Prior to Departure These costs may need to be paid before your financial aid is disbursed for your term abroad.
Transportation to and from program site $0
Passport/photos $150
Visa/required documents $0
Travel clinic/immunizations*Visit your travel clinic and consult for any costs $50
Housing deposit $0
Total Estimated Cost Incurred Prior to Departure $200
Costs Typically Incurred After Arrival in Host Country
Texts/materials $0
Housing and/or meals not included in program feeAdditional cost of housing in case of the cost of required quarantine not included here. Contact the LAC to have this added to your SACE. $750
Essential daily living expensesPhone credit/charges, etc. $200
Total Estimated Cost Incurred After Arrival in Host Country $950

Total Estimated Cost of Participation

  • UofM students—compare this to your estimated on campus cost of attendance
Total Estimated Cost of Participation $8,690
Spending money and personal travel Not included in financial aid calculation $300
Additional Notes & Information
* Immunizations Note: This estimate is based on approximate cost of travel-related vaccinations and medications required for entry or recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Your costs may be higher or lower depending on your travel clinic, the specific immunizations and medication prescribed, and your insurance coverage.


Be aware: Learning Abroad Center programs require a $50 application fee. This fee will be charged to your student account upon submission of an online application.


The COVID-19 vaccine series is strongly recommended, pursuant to CDC guidelines, but not required for participation in this program.

You will be charged a $50 application fee for each application you submit.

Apply Now


After you submit your application, you will receive an email notification confirming that your application was received. Submitted applications are assigned an application checklist, which will include the following items:

  • Application Essay

Detailed descriptions and instructions for submitting each checklist item are included on the application checklist assigned to you.

If you do not meet the GPA requirement for this program you will be required to submit an additional essay. It will be added to your checklist after you start your application, and you will be notified when it has been added.

Next Steps

  1. After you complete all required application checklist items, you will receive an automated email message indicating your application is ready to be reviewed.
  2. Your completed application will be reviewed by the Learning Abroad Center.
  3. If admitted, the Confirmation & Payment Agreement form will be added to your checklist. Complete this form to secure your spot on the program. By submitting the form, you also give your approval for the program deposit to be billed to your UofM student account.
  4. Complete the confirmation checklist, which include the following items in additional to program-specific forms:
    • Passport Information
    • Emergency Contacts
    • Health Information Form
    • Online Health & Safety Orientation
    • Release & Waiver
  5. You will receive information about additional steps from the sponsoring college/department.

After You Apply

Before your program begins, review these resources.

Health & Safety

Learn more about staying healthy and safe abroad, including mental health and wellness, international travel insurance, and safety precautions.

Power of Attorney

Consider designating someone as your power of attorney to act as your legal representative while you’re abroad.

Student Identity

Consult our resources on student identities as you prepare for your abroad experience.

Travel Resources

Ready to go abroad? Our travel resources will help you pack and learn what to expect.

Program Contact

For further information or questions about this program, email

Jemma Lund at [email protected], or call at 612.625.8827