Learning Abroad Center

Travel Warning in Israel

Travel Approval

The US Department of State has issued a travel warning for Israel. The Learning Abroad Center has approved University of Minnesota students to study at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem beginning in fall 2010. All other academic travel to Israel must be approved by the International Travel Risk Assessment & Advisory Committee (ITRAAC). This program is reviewed twice a year by ITRAAC.

Student Responsibilities

  • Review the Travel Warning and Country Specific Information for Israel, and follow the advice and safety recommendations contained within.
  • Receive insurance coverage for the duration of the program.
  • Carry a cellphone for the duration of the program and provide your cell phone number to both the host university and the Learning Abroad Center.
  • Confirm the emergency communication plan and details with the Learning Abroad Center and on-site staff.
  • Remain in close contact with the Learning Abroad Center and on-site staff during your time abroad.
  • Follow all US Department of State and embassy warning and security messages as well as University of Minnesota, host university, and local government recommendations including, but not limited to, those indicating Americans should avoid areas of the city and/or check points as a result of demonstrations, offensives, or threats on specific dates and during specific times.
  • Do not travel to the West Bank, Gaza, or the border areas with Gaza, Syria, Lebanon, and Egypt. Avoid travel within 1.5 miles of the Lebanese border, on Route 98 toward the Golan Heights, or east of Route 98.
  • Familiarize yourself with the location of the nearest bomb shelters, and follow the instructions of the on-site program staff and the Home Front Command on proper procedures in the event of rocket attacks. Immediately seek shelter if warning sirens are activated.
  • Keep current with local news and comply with all instructions given by Israeli authorities.
  • Exercise special caution during times when demonstrations are announced and avoid areas where demonstrations are occurring or crowds are forming.
  • Exercise a high degree of caution around restaurants, businesses (hotels, theaters, bus stations, and schools), places of worship, and other places associated with US interests.
  • Practice good personal security when moving about and adhere to local cultural expectations of behavior and dress.
  • Do not drive any motor vehicles.
  • Avoid public transportation unless the host university specifically approves a certain type of transportation in a specific city/region. Public buses specifically have been the target of past attacks.
  • Do not walk or travel alone under any circumstance, but especially after dark.
  • Avoid carrying large sums of cash or wearing expensive looking jewelry.
  • Be cautious of unattended baggage in public places, including airports and bus depots.
  • Be aware of and comply with the university policies regarding education abroad. See GPS Alliance Travel Approval.

ITRAAC maintains the authority to suspend an education abroad opportunity sponsored by the University, including any previously approved, when a significant health or safety concern is raised regarding the opportunity. For more information on this, visit GPS Alliance Travel Approval.