Learning Abroad Center
wide view of Ngorongoro Conservation Area

Design for Life: Water in Tanzania

Africa & Middle East

Spend winter break in Tanzania participating in a hands-on engineering challenge with real-world impact.

Program Details

Dar es Salaam & Iringa, Tanzania
Winter Break
Languages Taught In
Languages Taught In
College of Science & Engineering

Program Eligibility

Student Type
Student Type
UofM Students
Student Year
Student Year


Access to reliable clean water is one of the greatest challenges facing humanity today. This seminar will bring you to Tanzania during winter break 2025. Get a hands-on engineering challenge with real-world impact while growing as a science and engineering professional.

During this program, you will work in teams to evaluate community needs and infrastructure in order to model potable water-handling systems in the beautiful southern highlands region of Tanzania. Your proposals will be evaluated by a non-profit organization with the funding and resources in place to take approved projects to the next stage. This seminar will include a cultural and geographical introduction to Tanzania, its land, and people, as well as a trip to Ruaha National Park, one of the world’s most famous safari destinations.

Program Model


Housing & Meals

Share rooms with other students in a guest house that provides meals and instructional space. The program also includes village stays and a visit to a safari resort. Most meals are provided.

Application Deadline

The application deadline is July 8, 2024 (extended)

Applications will be reviewed as long as space is available. In addition, email the following items to the CSE International Office at [email protected]:

  • Résumé (up to 1 page)
  • Brief essay outlining your motivation for selecting this program and what you can bring to the group (no more than 2 pages)

Applications cannot be considered complete until all items are received.

Program Dates

January 2–19, 2025


Earn 3 credits for: ME 4583

Liberal Education Fulfillment: Global Perspectives, Technology & Society

Teams will work closely with village leadership to assess the current status of water sources in the village, village priorities, plans for sustainability, and local resources available to partially support the project if it were funded. Each team will develop and present independent designs, articulate community needs and priorities, outline the scope of work, and determine costs based on locally-available materials and resources. Designs must meet technical specifications based on engineering design guidelines for Tanzania. Designs will be reviewed by engineers in the US and Tanzania.

Program Leader

Professor Matt Anderson is a member of the Department of Mechanical Engineering. He has taught this course previously and has a passion for the region and the student experience. A number of student projects overseen by Matt are currently in use in Tanzania, providing clean, fresh water to thousands of people.


The program will start in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, before moving to the town of Iringa. Teams will spend time in villages identified by local non-profit staff members. The program also includes a safari experience in Ruaha National Park.

More Information

Contact the CSE International Office at [email protected] for additional information.

Program Fee

Winter 2025 Cost of Participation forthcoming

The cost of participation includes tuition and registration fees, orientation, and international health insurance. It also includes airfare, housing, excursions and most meals. Generally, program fees to these locations range between $6,500–$8,000. Contact the leadership team for more information on the program fee details.

Billing & Payments

Visit Billing for information about the billing process for application fees, deposits, and program fees.

Financial Aid & Scholarships

Visit Financial Information for information on using financial aid and scholarships for study abroad.

Cancellation Policy

CSE Cancellation Policy for Instructor-led Programs

This program follows the College of Science and Engineering cancellation and refund policy. Contact the college’s international office with any questions regarding these policies. The cancellation policy is listed below.

If you cancel your participation prior to the program start date, you will be billed based on the schedule below. Dates (and associated non-recoverable program costs) are based on the date of which written confirmation of cancellation was received.


If you wish to cancel your participation on this program, you must log into your Learning Abroad Center portal, go into your program, and submit a cancel request by selecting the "Cancel Application" button on the bottom of the checklist page. The date/time stamp of this cancellation request will determine the refund eligibility according to the above policy.

DatesBilling policy
90 days or more prior to start dateApplication fee + $500 confirmation deposit retained by the Learning Abroad Center + non-recoverable flights costs*
89–75 days prior to start dateApplication fee + $500 confirmation deposit retained by the Learning Abroad Center + non-recoverable flights costs* + 25% of remaining program costs
74–60 days prior to start dateApplication fee + $500 confirmation deposit retained by the Learning Abroad Center + non-recoverable flights costs* + 50% of remaining program costs
59–31 days prior to start dateApplication fee + $500 confirmation deposit retained by the Learning Abroad Center + non-recoverable flights costs* + 75% of remaining program costs
30 days or less prior to start dateApplication fee + $500 confirmation deposit retained by the Learning Abroad Center + non-recoverable flights costs* + 100% of remaining program costs

*Non-recoverable fight costs refer to those costs billed as a part of the overall program costs. It does not include any flight costs paid by students directly to airlines, travel agents etc.

Winter Break 2024

Design for Life: Water in Tanzania

Winter Break 2024

Program Fee

  • UofM students pay program fee instead of on-campus tuition & fees while abroad
  • Billed through UofM account
Non-refundable deposit $0
Tuition and educational costs $2,786
International health insurance $60
Housing and/or meals $1,000
Transportation (if required and included in program fee) $2,454
Total Program Fee $6,300
Program discount for University of Minnesota and Big Ten students, if applicable $0
Total Program Fee with discount, if applicable $6,300

Estimated Additional Expenses

  • Financial aid-eligible but not included in program fee
Costs Typically Incurred Prior to Departure These costs may need to be paid before your financial aid is disbursed for your term abroad.
Transportation to and from program site $0
Passport/photos $150
Visa/required documents $0
Travel clinic/immunizations* $0
Housing deposit $0
Total Estimated Cost Incurred Prior to Departure $150
Costs Typically Incurred After Arrival in Host Country
Texts/materials $0
Housing and/or meals not included in program fee $0
Essential daily living expenses $500
Total Estimated Cost Incurred After Arrival in Host Country $500

Total Estimated Cost of Participation

  • UofM students—compare this to your estimated on campus cost of attendance
Total Estimated Cost of Participation $6,950
Spending money and personal travel Not included in financial aid calculation $0
Additional Notes & Information
* Immunizations Note: This estimate is based on approximate cost of travel-related vaccinations and medications required for entry or recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Your costs may be higher or lower depending on your travel clinic, the specific immunizations and medication prescribed, and your insurance coverage.


Complete pre-application advising.

Current US passport processing times are longer than normal. If you do not have a passport, or your passport expires less than 6 months after your return date from your time abroad, apply for a new passport now.


The COVID-19 vaccine and booster are required by the host country and/or on-site partners and facilities for most study abroad programs. Complete your COVID-19 vaccine doses immediately.

You will be charged a $50 application fee for each application you submit.

Apply Now


When you submit your online application, you will be assigned an application checklist that includes:

  • First Step session

Additional Required Application Materials

Applicants must email the following items to the CSE International Office at [email protected]:

  • Résumé (up to one page)
  • Brief essay outlining your motivation for selecting this program and what you can bring to the group (no more than two pages)

Applications cannot be considered complete until all items are received.

Next Steps

  1. After you complete all required application checklist items, you will receive an automated email message indicating your application is ready to be reviewed.
  2. Your completed application will be reviewed by the program leader in the sponsoring college/department.
  3. If admitted, the Confirmation & Payment Agreement form will be added to your checklist. Complete this form to secure your spot on the program. By submitting the form, you also give your approval for the program deposit to be billed to your UofM student account.
  4. Complete the confirmation checklist, which include the following items in additional to program-specific forms:
    • Passport Information
    • Emergency Contacts
    • Health Information Form
    • Online Health & Safety Orientation
    • Release & Waiver
  5. You will receive information about additional steps from the sponsoring college/department.