Learning Abroad Center
Colorful buildings packed together against a bright blue sky in Marrakech, Morocco

Climate Resilience in Agriculture: Exploring Diverse Regions and Empowering Youth in Morocco

Africa & Middle East

Travel to and around Morocco learning about the different regions and agricultural systems found within the country. Learn about the impacts of climate change on food production and how, through modifications in cultural practices, governmental policy, and technological advances, stakeholders are adapting to the rapid change. Meet with Moroccan youth to learn about the impact of climate change and the agricultural economy on youth.

This program is administered by the College of Food, Agricultural & Natural Resource Sciences' Office of International Programs. Applications are processed by the Learning Abroad Center.

Program Details

Various cities, Morocco
May Session
Languages Taught In
Languages Taught In
College of Food, Agricultural and Natural Resource Sciences

Program Eligibility

Student Type
Student Type
UofM Students
Non UofM Students
Student Year
Student Year


On this 3-week May term program, you will travel to and around Morocco where you will learn about the different regions and agricultural systems that are found throughout the country. Despite its relatively small size, Morocco stands out for its notable role in the fight against climate change. Learn about the impacts of climate change on food production and how, through modifications in cultural practices, governmental policy, and technological advances, stakeholders are adapting to the rapid change. Visit modern, export-oriented farms producing fruits and vegetables with sophisticated technology in northern plains, smaller, more traditional farms in the valleys of the Atlas Mountains, and a fragile and endangered oasis located on the leeward side of the mountains.

This course will also consider the critical involvement of youth in agriculture. Despite improvements in agricultural productivity, the future of Moroccan agriculture is uncertain. While climate change is a clear threat, diminishing interest in agriculture among Morocco's youth is a growing concern. Youth ages 15–26 years old comprise about 26% of the country's population. The migration of youth from rural areas has accelerated in recent years. You will speak with groups working with young Moroccans and, if possible, with young people themselves, to understand their concerns and the challenges they encounter.

If you have an interest in food systems, climate change, agriculture, sustainability, climate change, youth engagement, and climate policy, you are encouraged to apply.

Program Model

Experiential Learning

Housing & Meals

You will be housed in hotels and will have one night of camping in the Sahara Desert. Most meals are included in the program fee.

Application Deadline

Sunday, January 21, 2024

Program Dates

Depart from Minneapolis-Saint PaulMay 12, 2024
Arrive in MoroccoMay 13, 2024
Depart from MoroccoJune 3, 2024


You will earn 3 credits for CFAN 3XXX. This course is currently undergoing approval for Liberal Education credit. This course has been approved for the Biophysical Sciences elective in the Sustainability Studies minor.

Program Leader

Mary Brakke is a Teaching Assistant Professor in the Department of Agronomy and Plant Genetics. She previously taught an 8-week course in Panama.


While excursions are subject to change, below is a list of potential excursions: 

  • Marrakech Medina
  • Rabat city tour
  • Beni Mellal
  • Mountain farming zones and community meetings in Zaouiat Sheik
  • Waterfalls Ain Asserdoun
  • Oasis Amaln 
  • Youth Start-up Project in Kenitra Region
  • Oasis Ait Mansour
  • Mohamed VI National Water Museum
  • Local music performance & camel rides in Aglou

More Information

Contact Vanessa Walton from the CFANS Office of International Programs at [email protected] with your questions.

Past Participants

To learn more about the student experience, feel free to contact the past participants below:

  • Maya Chilcote—Environmental Science, Policy, and Management/Music Performance Major
  • Lily Dodge—Neuroscience Major

Program Fee

May 2024 Cost of Participation

Program fees can vary widely due to location, cost of living, airfare, and program inclusions. The program fee generally includes tuition, in-country program-related transportation, housing, most meals, entrances to course-related excursions and site visits, program administration, and international health insurance. Generally, the program fee ranges from $7,000–$8,500. You should also budget for passport and passport photos, airfare, airport transfers, some meals, textbooks, independent travel, and miscellaneous living expenses.

If you are required to isolate during the program due to Covid-19, there may be an additional cost for the isolation period. Additional housing costs might also be covered by the onsite partner's insurance plan. In some cases, with agreement by students and prior approval from the university, roommates, apartment-mates, or students who are in close contact with each other and who both test positive may share a room in quarantine housing, in accordance with local regulations. This information is subject to change and will be updated accordingly.

Billing & Payments

The application fee, deposit, and program fee are charged to the student's UMN account.

Financial Aid & Scholarships

The College of Food, Agricultural & Natural Resource Sciences offers grants for study abroad programs. Students can learn about additional financial aid and scholarships through the Learning Abroad Center.

Cancellation Policy

All applicants are charged a $50 non-refundable application fee by the Learning Abroad Center. Students who confirm their participation in the program will have charged to their student account a $775 non-refundable deposit. Confirmed students who cancel their application before February 5, 2024 are responsible for the non-refundable deposit. Confirmed students who cancel their application on February 5, 2024 or later are responsible for the non-refundable deposit and any non-recoverable fees.

In the event that the CFANS Office of International Programs (OIP) is forced to cancel this entire program, meaning both the on-campus portion and abroad portion, accepted and confirmed students will receive a full refund of their application fee and deposit. In the event that students have started the on-campus portion of the program, but international conditions do not allow students to travel, as per University of Minnesota policy, students will be provided with the ability to complete the course and recoverable fees will be returned to students.

Students have the option to appeal the CFANS OIP cancellation policy when canceling from a program for extenuating circumstances. Please refer to the Learning Abroad Center's refund appeal process for details and the form to submit. The review and decision will be made by CFANS OIP, not the LAC refund appeal committee.

Please note: In the near future COVID vaccine requirements may be instituted by specific countries and/or airlines without advance notice. Vaccination gives you the best chance for participation in a program and will keep open the most travel options.

The inability to participate in a program because of local, national, or airline restrictions if you are not vaccinated but are eligible to be vaccinated will not be considered a valid reason for a refund.

May Session 2024

Climate Resilience in Agriculture: Exploring Diverse Regions and Empowering Youth in Morocco

May Session 2024

Program Fee

  • UofM students pay program fee instead of on-campus tuition & fees while abroad
  • Billed through UofM account
Non-refundable deposit $775
Tuition and educational costs $2,994
International health insurance $56
Housing and/or meals $2,515
Transportation (if required and included in program fee) $1,900
Total Program Fee $8,240
Program discount for University of Minnesota and Big Ten students, if applicable $0
Total Program Fee with discount, if applicable $8,240

Estimated Additional Expenses

  • Financial aid-eligible but not included in program fee
Costs Typically Incurred Prior to Departure These costs may need to be paid before your financial aid is disbursed for your term abroad.
Transportation to and from program siteRound-trip airfare to/from Minneapolis-St. Paul and Rabat is included in the program fee. $0
Passport/photos $150
Visa/required documentsUS citizens do not need a visa to enter Morocco. $0
Travel clinic/immunizations* $0
Housing deposit $0
Total Estimated Cost Incurred Prior to Departure $150
Costs Typically Incurred After Arrival in Host Country
Texts/materials $0
Housing and/or meals not included in program feeAll meals are included, except on free days, are included in the program. You will be responsibile for purchasing your own meals on your free days. $50
Essential daily living expenses $100
Total Estimated Cost Incurred After Arrival in Host Country $150

Total Estimated Cost of Participation

  • UofM students—compare this to your estimated on campus cost of attendance
Total Estimated Cost of Participation $8,540
Spending money and personal travel Not included in financial aid calculation $300
Additional Notes & Information
* Immunizations Note: This estimate is based on approximate cost of travel-related vaccinations and medications required for entry or recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Your costs may be higher or lower depending on your travel clinic, the specific immunizations and medication prescribed, and your insurance coverage.


Complete pre-application advising.

If you do not currently have a passport that is valid for at least 6 months past your return date, or are still needing to apply for a new one, start the process as soon as possible. Visit the UofM Passport Office website for more information.


The COVID-19 vaccine series is strongly recommended, pursuant to CDC guidelines, but not required for participation in this program.

You will be charged a $50 application fee for each application you submit.

Apply Now


When you submit your online application, you will be assigned an application checklist that includes:

  • First Step session

Next Steps

  1. After you complete all required application checklist items, you will receive an automated email message indicating your application is ready to be reviewed.
  2. Your completed application will be reviewed by the program leader in the sponsoring college/department.
  3. If admitted, the Confirmation & Payment Agreement form will be added to your checklist. Complete this form to secure your spot on the program. By submitting the form, you also give your approval for the program deposit to be billed to your UofM student account.
  4. Complete the confirmation checklist, which include the following items in additional to program-specific forms:
    • Passport Information
    • Emergency Contacts
    • Health Information Form
    • Online Health & Safety Orientation
    • Release & Waiver
  5. You will receive information about additional steps from the sponsoring college/department.