Learning Abroad Center

American Jewish League for Israel

Israel Program Suspensions: While the American Jewish League for Israel has been a partner with the University of Minnesota for many years, no students are approved for study abroad or other University-purpose travel in Israel until further notice given the state of war and the cessation of travel insurance by our provider of coverage for faculty and students.

Since 1957, the American Jewish League for Israel has supported a progressive, strong, economically viable State of Israel as a whole. The American Jewish League for Israel (AJLI) is not connected to any political party in Israel or the United States. It is independent and dedicated to keeping its members informed and involved.


Africa & Middle East






Academic Level

  • Graduating Seniors
  • Undergraduates

Other Eligibility

The Screening Committee will consider each student's merit regardless of whether or not there is financial need. Qualified individuals must be accepted for credit at one of the following Israeli institutions of higher learning: Bar Ilan, Ben Gurion, Haifa, Hebrew, Interdisciplinary Center-Recanati School, Pardes, Tel Aviv, Technion and Weizmann.

Contact Information

Website https://americanjewishleague.org/scholarships/