Learning Abroad Center

American Institute of Indian Studies Fellowship

For more than 50 years, the American Institute of Indian Studies has provided funding to pre- and post-doctoral scholars and artists in pursuit of knowledge about India. * Junior Fellowships are for graduate students conducting research for their doctoral dissertations in India. * Senior Long- and Short-term Fellowships are for those holding the PhD degree. * Performing and Creative Arts Fellowships are available to accomplished practitioners of the arts to conduct their projects in India. The AIIS fellowship competition is not restricted to those from its member institutions. Non-U.S. citizens may apply as long as they are either graduate students or full-time faculty at colleges and universities in the United States. Approximately 35 fellowships are awarded each year. Applications from scholars who are part of a collaborative project involving other scholars are welcome, though AIIS fellowships are granted to individuals, not to teams. Amounts awarded to successful applicants who are members of group projects will be equivalent to fellowships awarded to scholars who submitted applications for individual projects. Fellowships are funded by the National Endowment for the Humanities, the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs of the U.S. State Department and the Council of American Overseas Research Centers, and the Smithsonian Institution. Some fellowships for non-U.S. citizens and artists are supported by AIIS Rupee funds in India. Fellowships for six months or more may include support for dependents.



Asia & Oceania






Academic Level

  • Graduate

Other Eligibility

Non-U.S. citizens may apply as long as they are either graduate students or full-time faculty at colleges and universities in the United States. Approximately 35 fellowships are awarded each year.

Contact Information

Website: Visit this scholarship's website