Learning Abroad Center

Retired Faculty Program Leader Policy

LAC Policy on Retired UofM Faculty/Staff Serving as an LAC Seminar Program Leader

Per the University’s policy on Preparing for Student Travel and Education Abroad (Units), and the LAC mandate and mission to serve the University community, retired UofM faculty and staff are not eligible to be the primary program leader for an LAC Seminar. Faculty currently on a phased retirement plan, and who are actively teaching/participating in campus activities, are eligible to lead their program during this period. Faculty members on phased retirement must be able to perform the outlined expectations of a faculty leader

Retired UofM faculty and staff are eligible to serve as a co-leader on an LAC Seminar if the other leader is an active UofM faculty or staff member. The course’s home unit, in partnership with the LAC, must approve the co-leadership. The course’s home unit will be responsible for deciding and covering any costs related to the retired co-leader. 

The LAC will build in a salary (if applicable), on-site costs, flight, and stipend to the program fee for the primary/co-leader who is the active UofM employee.

Please note: Individuals appointed as the leader or co-leader of a program without an active UofM appointment may need to undergo a full hiring process to be paid. Due to changes in state and federal tax and employment laws, it may be required to post the job, interview candidates, complete a background check, etc. and assign them an active appointment. Check with GPS HR or your local HR representative to discuss the specific requirements for your situation.

Home departments and colleges will make their own determination regarding retired faculty and program leader eligibility on Global Campus Partner programs.