Learning Abroad Center

UofM Instructor-led Study Abroad Class Scheduling Process

Instructor Led Program Types:

"Non-Embedded (Fully Abroad)": a course for which all of the instructional contact hours take place abroad

"Embedded": a course for which some of the instructional contact hours take place domestically (in-person or virtual) before or after the abroad component, and some of the instructional contact hours take place abroad

Study Abroad Course Scheduling Process

Non-Embedded Programs—Scheduling Process:

1. The Instructor/Program Leader works with the Learning Abroad Center to initiate the program.

2. The Department Scheduler/Instructor works with the Learning Abroad Center to determine course details for the program. The Instructor works with their department to ensure the course is created and approved in the University's course system prior to the course scheduling process.

3. The Departmental Scheduler schedules the course(s) in CCS as usual, but includes the following study abroad parameters:

  1. Basic Data tab
    1. Session: Select the appropriate session based on the program dates
    2. Section: 500–510
    3. Associated Class: Same as section number
    4. Location: Off Campus
    5. Instruction Mode: Study Abroad (SA)
    6. Schedule Print: Uncheck
    7. Student Specific Permissions: Uncheck
  2. Meetings tab
    1. Start/End Date: Enter the program dates
    2. ID: Enter Instructor EmplID
  3. Enrollment Ctrl tab
    1. Class Status: Active
    2. Add Consent: No Special Consent Required
    3. Drop consent: No Special Consent Required
    4. Enrollment Capacity: Enter expected enrollment total

4. The Program leader/contact or Departmental Scheduler submits course section information to the Learning Abroad Center.

  1. Global Campus Partner, UofM Customized, & Department/Collegiate program leaders/contacts have access to a course information form that can be shared with departmental schedulers as needed. This form does need to be completed each year for each program.
  2. LAC Seminar program leaders and departmental schedulers will be emailed a google form to complete.
  3. Complete all of the course information asked of you on the form, including the the section number(s) of the class(es) you've scheduled, and submit.

5. The Learning Abroad Center verifies course information.

  1. The Learning Abroad Center will adjust the billing factor for the section of the class that you scheduled on the Adjust Class Associations Tab to .000. This will detach UofM tuition and fees for this class.
  2. The Learning Abroad Center will adjust any other course details as needed (Grade Base, Variable Credits, etc).

6. The Learning Abroad Center Registers Students.

  1. Once the course is scheduled and the registration queue is open, the Learning Abroad Center registers all confirmed students participating on the program.
  2. The Learning Abroad Center continues to manage the registration process for students leading up to departure.

Embedded Programs—Scheduling Process:

When scheduling Embedded program courses, colleges/departments should NOT use 5xx-level class sections. The rest of the parameters should follow what the college/department would typically do for regular classes. UofM tuition is charged for the course credit in addition to the abroad component program fee.

Frequently Asked Questions:

How do students receive information about registration?

Non-Embedded/Fully Abroad—The Learning Abroad Center (LAC) will register all confirmed students on the program. This happens once the registration queue is open for the term, or once the course is scheduled, whichever happens later.

Embedded—The course can be found in the online UofM class schedule. Information can also be obtained from the program leader and/or the LAC program contact. UofM tuition is charged for the course credit.

What is the timeline for scheduling study abroad classes?

Non-Embedded/Fully Abroad—Non-Embedded study abroad classes should be completely scheduled by the department/college no later than the deadlines listed below for each term.

Fall Programs: March 1

Winter Break Programs: October 1

Spring Programs: October 1

May/Summer Programs: February 1

Embedded—Embedded study abroad classes should follow what the college/department would typically do for regular classes.

Who do I contact with questions?

You can work with the LAC staff member that serves as your contact for this program on all questions, and they will consult with the appropriate LAC staff as needed. Alternatively, you can contact the Learning Abroad Center's Academic Services team at [email protected].