Learning Abroad Center

Freshman Seminar Abroad Proposal & Review Process

Proposal Deadline

TermProposal Deadline
2025–26 Academic YearFebruary 1, 2025*
2026–27 Academic YearFebruary 1, 2026*

*You must also complete your college's/department's process for teaching a Freshman Seminar. Note that their deadline may be prior to February 1. Check with your college/department for information on proposing a Freshman Seminar within your unit.

Proposal Process

The submission portal for Freshman Seminar Abroad proposals for academic year 2025-2026 is now open.

When creating a proposal, consider the following information:

  • What is the academic content of the course, and how does it relate to the chosen country?
  • How will students' performance be assessed?
  • What academic qualifications does the leader have in relation to course topic, international experience, language skills relevant to the chosen site, and experience teaching undergraduates and leading groups?
  • What will the program itinerary look like (all possible program excursions and site/cultural visits)?
  • How will you promote your program for its intended target audience?

Contact the LAC Instructor-led Program Team at [email protected] with any questions or concerns.

Review Process

Each academic year, approximately 4–7 Freshman Seminars Abroad are selected based on the following:

  • Overall quality and feasibility of proposal
  • Relevance to UofM students
  • Leader's knowledge of academic content and location
  • Illustrated tie between academics and use of location
  • Level of departmental or collegiate support
  • Ability to recruit students
  • Leader's experience leading student groups
  • Previous student evaluations, if applicable
  • Availability of strong on-site support by a Learning Abroad Center affiliate
  • Number of times program has run previously, if applicable

In addition to the above criteria, the Learning Abroad Center strives to offer University of Minnesota students a comprehensive suite of Freshman Seminars Abroad that are diverse in:

  • Geographic location
  • Academic discipline
  • Program features (e.g., community engagement component, field research, language study, etc.)

A note about location: due to International flight costs, travel time, and carbon footprint, as well as possible in-country travel, jet-lag, and cultural adjustment, Asia, Africa, and Oceania locations will not be considered for Spring break programs. A 2+ week program for these greater distances is more accessible and inclusive for study abroad students, as well as sustainable.

Strong proposals address the following questions in a clear and thoughtful manner:

  • What is the central academic focus or theme of the program?
  • Why is the location you have chosen significant to the development of this focus or theme?
  • How will you utilize the location (e.g., excursions, tours, guest lectures, local resources, etc.) to illuminate this theme?

Location, title, and program details are finalized in consultation with the Learning Abroad Center.

Applicants are notified of a decision approximately 6 weeks after the deadline.