University of Minnesota staff continues to present on their Career Integration expertise at conferences, workshops, and meetings. Related resources have been shared and replicated widely.
Internationalizing the Curriculum and Campus Conference, University of Minnesota -- Techniques for Enhancing Learning Abroad (February 2020)
- Christine Anderson, Academic Director, Learning Abroad Center
- Martha Johnson, Assistant Dean, Learning Abroad
- Kim Hindbjorgen, Assistant Director of Curriculum & Career Integration, Learning Abroad Center
CAPA Conversations: Career Integration--Global Learning and the Impact on Employment (August 2020)
- Christine Anderson, Academic Director, Learning Abroad Center
- Kim Hindbjorgen, Assistant Director of Curriculum & Career Integration, Learning Abroad Center
NACE 2020 Viewpoint Series (October 2020)
NACE Viewpoint: Preparing Global Professionals
- Christine Anderson, Academic Director, Learning Abroad Center
- Kim Hindbjorgen, Assistant Director of Curriculum & Career Integration, Learning Abroad Center
Excellence in Leading Abroad Series (February 2019)
Short-term Program, Long-term Impact: Career Integration In Instructor-led Programs
- Martha Johnson, Assistant Dean, Learning Abroad
- Lisa Novack, Associate Director of Student Services, Undergraduate Business Career Center
LAC Resident Staff Workshop (July 2019)
Integrating career skill-building into students’ study abroad experience
- Christine Anderson, Academic Director, Learning Abroad Center
- Becky Hall, Director, Career Services Administration
- Kim Hindbjorgen, Assistant Director of Curriculum & Career Integration, Learning Abroad Center
Colorado & Wyoming Career Integration Workshop (October 2019)
The Learning Abroad Center hosted a regional workshop on Friday, October 25, 2019, at the Hampton Inn & Suite/ Denver Airport & Gateway Park. International educators and career professionals from Colorado State University, Denver University, University of Colorado-Boulder gathered for a lively conversation. Participants reported "I appreciated the researched information, especially about the skills that employers are seeking. That data enriches conversations and perspectives. It is also a conversation starter with employers." and "Thank you for a wonderful day! We really appreciate you coming to Colorado. We learned a lot from you, and it was nice to connect with everyone in the room. Thank you for raising the bar on everything our field is doing!" and finally "The workshop gave me several ideas for action items and conversations I can have with colleagues to make some small changes that will help with career integration."
University of Minnesota Participants
- Becky Hall, Director, Career Services Administration
- Kim Hindbjorgen, Assistant Director, Curriculum and Career Integration, Learning Abroad Center
- Lindsey Lahr, Assistant Director, Instructor-Led Programs, Learning Abroad Center
- Beth Lory, Assistant Director, Employer Engagement, College of Liberal Arts
- Matthew McGilvray, Associate Institutional Relations Director, Learning Abroad Center
Career Integration Conference: Leveraging Partnerships (Washington DC, August 2018)
Resilience: From Study Abroad to the Workplace
- Andrea Custodi, Director of Academic Affairs & Strategic Initiatives, CET Academic Programs
- Kelly McLaughlin, Deputy Director of Center for International and Professional Experience, Yale University
- Christine Anderson, Academic Director, Learning Abroad Center, University of Minnesota
- Margaret Wiedenhoeft, Executive Director, Center for International Programs, Kalamazoo College
Divided By a Common Language?: A Debate On the Role of Language in Career Development Abroad
- Martha Johnson, Assistant Dean, Learning Abroad, University of Minnesota
- Mark Lenhart, Executive Director, CET Academic Programs
- Moderated by: John Christian, CAPA The Global Education Network
Leveraging Partnerships Within the University of Minnesota
- Steve Cisneros, Program Director, President’s Emerging Scholars (PES) Program, University of Minnesota
- Scott Daby, Assistant Director of Advising & Enrollment, Learning Abroad Center, University of Minnesota
Innovations in Internship Course Content
- Christine Anderson, Academic Director, Learning Abroad Center, University of Minnesota
- Andrea Custodi, Director of Academic Affairs and Strategic Initiatives, CET Academic Programs
Career Minded Marketing: Exposing Employability Benefits of Study Abroad
- Maria Wentworth, Senior Marketing Specialist, Learning Abroad Center, University of Minnesota
- Matthew Brink, Assistant Executive Director, National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE)
What Matters? Reviewing the Impact of Experience Abroad on Employment (vol. 3) Call for Papers
- Michael Woolf, Deputy President for Strategic Development, CAPA: The Global Education Network
- Kim Hindbjorgen Assistant Director, Curriculum and Career Integration, Learning Abroad Center
#Alternative Facts: Dispelling the Myth that Short-term Programs do not have Career Development Value
- Lindsey Lahr, Program Director, Instructor-led Programs, Learning Abroad Center, University of Minnesota
- Tricia Todd, MPH, Interim Director, Pre-Health Student Resource Center Instructor, School of Public Health, University of Minnesota
- Lisa Novack, Associate Director of Student Services in the Carlson Undergraduate Business Career Center, University of Minnesota
Career Readiness in Liberal Arts Education: Bridging Education Abroad and Career Development
- Tim Dohmen, Program Director, Learning Abroad Center and College of Liberal Arts Initiatives Liaison
- Erica Tealey, Career Counselor, College of Liberal Arts, University of Minnesota
NAFSA Regional, Duluth Minnesota (October 2018)
Who are we and how did we get here: Results of a survey measuring demographics and career motivations of education abroad professionals.
- Eric Leinen, Program Director, Learning Abroad Center
- Ashley Metz, Associate Program Director, Learning Abroad Center
Post 50%: Measuring Success Beyond Counting Enrollment Numbers
- Kim Hindbjorgen, Assistant Director, Curriculum & Career Integration, Learning Abroad Center
- Antonia Lortis, Director of Marketing, Learning Abroad Center
University of Minnesota Student Success Conference (February 2017)
Freshman Seminars Abroad- A Bridge to Being Global Ready
- Lindsey Lahr, Program Director, Learning Abroad Center
- Nikki Letawsky Schulz, Assistant Dean, College of Biological Sciences
The FORUM on Education Abroad (Seattle, WA, April 2017)
Building and Designing Career Development into Education Abroad Programming
- Tim Dohmen, Darren Kaltved, and Ann Hubbard
IIE Generation Study Abroad (Washington DC, October 2017)
Career Minded Marketing: Exposing employability benefits of study abroad
- Maria Wentworth, Learning Abroad Center
Onsite Workshop in Florence, Italy and London, UK (November 2017)
- Christine Anderson, Academic Director, Learning Abroad Center
- Judy Anderson, Career Readiness Coordinator, College of Liberal Arts
- Tim Dohmen, Program Director, Learning Abroad Center
- Nanette Hanks, Assistant Dean, College of Liberal Arts
- Kim Hindbjorgen, Assistant Director, Curriculum and Career Integration, Learning Abroad Center
- Michal Kobialka, Faculty Director for College of Liberal Arts Learning Abroad Programs
- Beth Lory, Assistant Director, Employer Relations, College of Liberal Arts
NAFSA Tri-Regional Conference (Denver, CO, November 2017)
Help Students Help Themselves: Developing Successful Returnee Programming.
Student Career Development Through a Returnee Internship
- Maria Wentworth, Learning Abroad Center
Excellence in Leading Abroad Series (February 2016)
Short-term Program, Long-term Impact: Career Integration In Instructor-led Programs
- Martha Johnson, Assistant Dean, Learning Abroad
- Maria Wentworth, Senior Marketing Specialist
NAFSA Annual Conference (Denver, CO, June 2016)
Aligning Education Abroad Outcomes With Employability
- Christine Anderson, Learning Abroad Center and Cynthia Banks
UofM Resident Directors Workshop (Minneapolis, MN, July 2016)
UofM Career Services Overview and Center Tours
- Becky Hall, Susan LeBlanc, Katie Selby and Paul Timmins: University of Minnesota Career Center Representatives
Career Integration Conference, Minding the Gap: Career Integration Strategies for Educators & Employers (Boston, MA, July 2016)
Research on the Impact of Study Abroad on Career Skill Development
- Christine Anderson, Learning Abroad Center and Sophie Gladding, University of Minnesota
Study Abroad as a Mechanism to Promote International Careers for Students with Disabilities
- Paul Edwards, Multicultural Center Academic Excellence, University of Minnesota
Short Term, Long Impact: Articulating the Skills and Value of Short-Term Study Abroad
- Martha Johnson, Learning Abroad Center
Career Development & the Minnesota Studies International Development (MSID) Program Model
- Mohamud Jama, MSID Kenya, University of Minnesota
- Antonia Lortis, Learning Abroad Center
La Nouvelle-France: Creating Non-traditional and Career Relevant Programs in a “Traditional” Location
- Martha Johnson, Learning Abroad Center
- Françoise Chaton, Montpellier, France, University of Minnesota
Fit or Skills? How Employers Really Hire, and Why it Matters
- Mark Lenhart, CET Academic Programs and Erica Tealey, College of Liberal Arts Career Center, University of Minnesota
Learning to Talk the Talk – Articulating Your Study Abroad Experience
- Craig Kench, CAPA London, and Kirsten Canterbury, Carlson School of Management
IES Conference (Denver, CO, October 2016)
Before, During, and After: Strategies for Maximal Career Integration
- Martha Johnson, Learning Abroad Center
The University of Auckland (Auckland, New Zealand, October 2016)
Curriculum and Career Integration
- Martha Johnson, Learning Abroad Center and Nanette Hanks, College of Liberal Arts
Onsite Workshop in Florence and Rome, Italy (March 2015)
Christine Anderson, Academic Director, Learning Abroad Center
Kim Hindbjorgen, Assistant Director, Curriculum and Career Integration, Learning Abroad Center
Susan LeBlanc, Director, Center for Academic Planning and Exploration
Sara Newberg, Director, Career and Internship Services
Katie Selby, Associate Director, Undergraduate Business Career Center
Jeanne Stumne, Director, College of Education and Human Development Career Services
Onsite Workshop in London, UK (April 2015)
Rebecca Christy, Career Coach, CBS Career Services,
Angela Froistad, Director, College of Science and Engineering Career Services
Becky Hall, Director, Career Services Administration
Martha Johnson, Assistant Dean, Learning Abroad
LeeAnn Melin, Assistant Dean for Undergraduate Student Initiatives
Zach Mohs, Associate Director, Learning Abroad Center
Cathy Schuster, Study Abroad Coordinator, Office of Student Financial Aid
Annual Global Internship Conference (Dublin, Ireland, June 2015)
Before, During, and After: Strategies for Maximal Career Integration
- Martha Johnson, Learning Abroad Center
IFSA NAC Conference (Indianapolis, IN, July 2015)
Study Abroad & Career Integration: Strategies for Before, During, and After the Study Abroad Experience
- Zach Mohs, Learning Abroad Canter
Career Development Network (CDN) Meeting (Minneapolis, MN, October 2015)
Career Workshops Onsite
- Christine Anderson, Rebecca Dordel, Becky Hall, Kim Hindbjorgen, Susan LeBlanc, Sara Newberg, Cathy Schuster, Katie Selby
CIC Senior International Officers Meeting (Minneapolis, MN, December 2015)
The University of Minnesota’s Career Integration Initiative
- Christine Anderson, Becky Hall and Kim Hindbjorgen
Gilman Scholarship Web Symposium Series (Online, January 2014)
Working Together = Working Abroad
- Kim Hindbjorgen, Kevin Morrison, Aileen M. O’Donnell, Angie Schmidt Whitney, and Martin Tillman
LAC Annual Advising Workshop (Minneapolis, MN, January 2014)
The University of Minnesota’s Career Integration Initiative
- Christine Anderson, Kim Hindbjorgen, Angie Schmidt Whitney, and Jeannie Stumne
AIEA Annual Conference (Washington, DC, February 2014)
Career Integration: (Re)viewing the Impact of Experience Abroad On Employment
- Martha Johnson, Priscilla Stone, and Mike Woolf
Forum on Education Abroad (San Diego, CA, April 2014)
Career Integration: Reframing the Career Component of Learning Abroad
- Cynthia Banks, Becky Hall, Martha Johnson and Antonia Lortis
Campus Internationalization Conference (Minneapolis, April 2014)
The University of Minnesota Twin Cities Career Integration Initiative: How Learning Abroad and Careers Connect
- Becky Hall, Kim Hindbjorgen, Antonia Lortis, and Maria Wentworth
NAFSA Annual Conference (San Diego, May 2014)
The University of Minnesota's Career Integration Initiative
- Amanda Fischer, Kim Hindbjorgen, and Katie Selby
Career Integration Conference (Minneapolis, MN, July 2014)
Using Partnerships to Create Career – Focused Short Courses
- Christine Anderson, Becky Hall, and Angie Schmidt Whitney
Using Goal-Based Education Abroad to Address Workforce Expectations for STEM Graduates
- Jessie Guinn, Nikki Letawsky Shultz, and Adam Pagel
More than Coffee, Copies & Cantonese: Helping Returnees Articulate Professional Skills Gained through Education Abroad
- Aileen M. O’Donnell, Ben Efird, and Jeannie Stumne, College of Education and Human Development Career Center
Strengths at the University of Minnesota Twin Cities and Abroad: Using a Strengths-Based Approach to Enhance Career Development
- Sheila Collins, Katy Hinz, and Angie Schmidt Whitney
You Did What, Where? Applying the Not Obviously Relevant Experience Abroad To Your Career
- Martha Johnson, Lindsay Ellingson, Gretchen Hoff, Jen Mering and Stephanie Wengronowitz
Coaching Students On-Site as They Explore Their Future Major and Career Focus
- Susan LeBlanc
Minnesota Study Abroad Re-entry Conference: A Living Case Study
- Allison Suhan and Joy Ruis
Learning Abroad Groupies: Converting Career Professionals to Ambassadors of Learning Abroad Programs
- Sara Newberg
Get a Job: Parental Goals for Student Careers
- Antonia Lortis
Medicine and Business: A Tale of Two Approaches
- Katie Selby and Tricia Todd
EAIE Annual Conference (Prague, Czech Republic, September 2014)
Learning Mobility and Graduate Employment: Research Findings Unveiled
- Martha Johnson, Davina Potts and Gianni Samsa
NAFSA Collegial Conversation (Online, September 2014)
Creating an Effective Study Abroad Career Integration Plan on Your Campus
- Vera Chapman, Angie Schmidt Whitney, and Martin Tillman
NAFSA Regional Conference (St. Paul, MN, October 2014)
Bridging Experience: Career Integration Before, During, and After Education Abroad
- Jessica Burns, Kim Hindbjorgen, Lindsey Lahr, and Jon Mayfield
Association of American Colleges & Universities' Global Learning in College Conference (Minneapolis, MN, October 2014)
Career Integration: Re-framing the Career Component of Learning Abroad
- Becky Hall, Kim Hindbjorgen, and Antonia Lortis
John Tate Academic Advising Conference (Minneapolis, MN, March 2013)
Career Integration: Introduction and Next Steps
- Brook Blahnik, Becky Hall, Kim Hindbjorgen, and Lindsey Lahr
National Society for Experiential Education Annual Meeting (St. Pete Beach, FL, October 2013)
Career Integration: Connecting the Dots
- Becky Hall and Antonia Lortis
UMTC Education Abroad Network (EAN) Fall Meeting (Minneapolis, MN, October 2013)
International Experience = Jobs Back Home? How Learning Abroad and Careers Connect
- Christine Anderson, Amanda Fischer, Becky Hall, Kim Hindbjorgen, Martha Johnson, and Lindsey Lahr
CEHD Global Cafe: Getting the Most from Your Experience Abroad through Career and Curriculum Integration (November 2012)
International Education Week 2012 Presentation
- Jeannie Stumne, Director, CEHD Career Services
- Lindsay Lahr, LAC Resource Center Advisor